Saturday, September 14, 2013

Post-Grad Life

In May I graduated from James Madison University and made the move to good ol' Boone, North Carolina to attend (dun, dun, dun): Grad school.  Yikes.

Things I have learned about post-grad life:

  • I need my dad on a daily basis to kill the bugs in my apartment
  • Plumbing problems are a serious issue and they suck (or don't suck...)
  •  Not having a dishwasher is time consuming and it wrecks my nails
  • I have a lot of random expenses
  • Making new friends is approached like a new relationship: Don't be too needy
  • I am lonely

The last point is my biggest.  I am very lonely.  This is my first time living alone away from my friends, my family, and my boyfriend.  My friends have moved to places like Boulder, Tampa, and D.C.  None of which are remotely close to me.  I can't seem to kick this feeling that I will never find friends like the ones I made at JMU.

THANKFULLY, this isn't true of course.  While I am lonely, this is only a temporary stage in my life.  A small, two year, temporary stage of me seeking a higher level of education.  I started roughly four-ish weeks ago and I already can't wait for it be over.  Life comes in stages and you do with it what you can.   

I have sat in this apartment feeling sorry for myself for the past 36 hours.  Then I went and biked 17 miles and now I am sore and have a fresh state of mind.  I am not alone.  I am never alone.  10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) by Matt Redman reminded me of this.  Then I got home, made some chai tea, Skyped with my sister, and I am feeling thankful.  I am thankful for the opportunity to go to school, to eat, to sleep in a comfy bed, to have people who love me (even though they are far away), and for an awesome savior who always comforts me, especially when I'm feeling lonely. 

Heads up post-grads.  There is light at the end of the tunnel. 

P.S. Here is my super awesome new mug and my hot, comforting chai tea for this chilly day:


  1. I love the honesty in this post. True Friends and Bonds are Forged through effort and sacrifice just like anything else worth while. Can't wait to see more from your Blog and get to know better as well !

    1. Thanks, Mason. Enjoying reading your blog too. I'm excited for new friendships and hanging out more! Thanks for reading :)
