I have a confession...but first, let me explain.
So, why eat only seven foods for an entire month? For me, I do not truly know hunger. I have never worried about when my next meal will come, because I just know that it will. I am so incredibly blessed by this, though I have never realized it. I wanted to try this fast for that exact reason. When hunger hits and I just want snack food, or I am just plain sick of my seven foods, I pray. I pray for everyone who does not have access to food and is going to bed with an empty belly. Though my options are limited, I have an unlimited supply of these seven foods I have chosen. How fortunate am I?
Additionally, I like to think about how Jesus fasted for 40 whole days and ate nothing. Nothing. People, I can't even comprehend this. I could not go a a whole day without eating. But hey, I'm also not Jesus (obviously). Jesus made himself empty, which is what I want to do. Less of me and more of Him. Sometimes (by sometimes I mean most of the time), I am just too into myself and what I want and what I need to notice Jesus. I desire to die to myself daily and to allow the Holy Spirit to move through me by making myself empty.
Luke 4:2 says, "He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry."
Well, here comes my confession. For seven days I ate nothing but avocado, black beans, eggs, bread, spinach, sweet potato, and almond milk. Yesterday after church I was feeling very excited about the day of rest, and accomplished that I had made it seven days into my fast successfully. After a beautiful hike at Linville Falls with some friends, I was feeling...lustful for something sweet. So without thinking twice, I got in my car, drove to Sweet Frog, purchased a $4.50 cup of Reese's Peanut Butter frozen yogurt topped with frosted animal crackers, fudge brownie bites, more Reese's (no shame), and whipped cream. Excessive? Maybe. But I actually do not feel bad. Nothing has ever tasted so delicious to me in my whole entire life. I was GRATEFUL for that frozen yogurt, let me tell you. It made me think about how often I eat delicious foods and I never give it a second thought. This is a luxury that many do not get to indulge in. So I made a decision, on the seventh day of each week I will rest from my fast. I am 25% done and I can do this.
I am so insignificant next to Jesus, but yesterday showed me that my fast is accomplishing what I want it to. I am so grateful. This morning I am back at it. I had a piece of whole wheat toast and half of an avocado. Happy Monday, friends. Think of how much you have to be thankful for. It will melt away whatever stress you may be feeling right now, guaranteed.
Stay awesome.
It is amazing how we as humans emmass things for no purpose. We collect, buy, and indulge in everything only to have that initial joy fade. I think every person has a great deal to learn about themelves from an undertaking like this. Maybe the biggest is a better perspective of how much inherent joy one can find in the simplest aspects of living. I like this theme. I think I might have to explore this in upcoming post. Thanks for the insight !