I am a tv person. I have watched pretty much every season of every show worth watching on Netflix...seriously. I have actually watched all seven seasons of Desperate Housewives three times. No shame. I am so not a movie person, but I have been doing this weird thing where I am watching movies instead of tv. Kyle barely recognizes me. It's crazy.
Over the past three days I have watched the following:
I Give it a Year
The Lifeguard
Friends with Kids
Drinking Buddies
Pretty impressive, I know. I'm really not picky about tv or movies at all. I can pretty much invest in whatever, but ideally, I dig a good dramatic, rom com. All of the above movies fit this criteria because Netflix knows me better than most people and told me that I would like these movies.
I seriously enjoyed watching these films, and I can remember the plot of almost all of them, which is crazy because I can forget the title of a movie I watched 10 minutes ago...so weird. But, every single one of these movies left me feeling strange...and kinda sad. Keep in mind I don't sit and watch tv all day, I swear. I do things like, go to Taco Tuesday at Boone Saloon, power walk 13 minute miles with my friend Amber, cook, read, you know, other things. I know the reading part is what caused me feeling weird about these movies.
As I have mentioned before, I am currently reading Tim Keller's book, The Meaning of Marriage. I said it once and I will say it again, READ THIS BOOK. Single, engaged, divorced, married, whatever. Read it. I recognize that I am a 23-year-old that has not been married, though will be soon (yay!), but I think I have some insight on the subject. Stick with me.
First, I have a serious problem with the way Hollywood portrays love, kids, and especially marriage. Every single one of the above movies portrayed marriage as lacking excitement or being boring, not to mention when kids are added into the mix it's game over. You can kiss all romance and fun goodbye. This sucks. I won't lie, watching these movies scared me about kids slightly. I'm no dummy. I know kids are tough and life changes drastically, but let's be honest. Kids were not designed to be destructive to marriage. They just weren't! That makes no sense! Such a beautiful, intense, biologically perfect process of creating a tiny human being that is the perfect combination of both you and your spouse should cause our marriages to grow. So why doesn't it? Why does Hollywood have the idea that marriages are not forever and that kids complicate things?
I think we have become a selfish people. We are looking to our spouse for ultimate completion and happiness. I mean that's just insane. It is impossible to get that kind of return from your spouse. Impossible. I truly believe that. Those who aren't yet married, or are looking to get out of their marriages, have incredibly high hopes of that perfect chemistry, or the ultimate soul mate. Maybe it was once there, and now it's not. I think we have incredibly high expectations for finding someone who will take us just as we are and there are no demands for us to change. We don't want to make sacrifices. That's just how it is. It's selfish. We want everything from a spouse, while wanting to put very little effort into making changes to ourselves. It just can't work.
Check it out:
Ephesians 5:21-33
21 Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
People get BENT OUT OF SHAPE, and I mean BENT, at the word, "submit." But wait! Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Whoa. As Christ loved the church? That's so much love, friends. That's so much selflessness. I think some of our marriages today are lacking this idea of selflessness. Marriage was designed to be the perfect reflection of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. He died for us. Marriage is a natural thing for humans to be drawn to. We want a partner to do life with, to have children with, to help bear the burden when times are tough. Times will be tough. Guaranteed. It is work. It is a full time job that requires maintenance and upkeep. If you neglect putting gas in your car, it's not going to run. Duh. Sacrificing our wants and needs for our spouse is what we're called to do. I mean, really.
Tim Keller gives a great example in his book that I can totally relate to, and maybe you can too.
Tim and his wife go on vacation with their tiny kids to the town where they both attended seminary. Tim had really been hoping that he would be able to sneak away for a few hours to go to a bookstore he really loved and get some new books. He knew it would be inconvenient to his wife, so he never mentioned it, though he hoped that she would say, "Hey honey, I know you love that bookstore. Why don't you go check it out and I can handle things here with the kids." That never happened and Tim silently stewed and developed bitterness towards his wife. He had decided in his head that she knew that he wanted to go to that bookstore, but was just being spiteful and wouldn't let him go. At the end of the day, Tim mentioned how much he would have liked to go to that bookstore. His wife replied by telling him he should have spoken up. He serves her on a daily basis by helping around the house and helping with the kids and she doesn't get a ton of opportunities to serve him. She felt like he robbed her of the ability to give her a chance to serve her husband.
What a tiny, tiny, small, miniscule, situation this is, but holy cow I can so relate. Sometimes I just want Kyle to read my mind. That's just not fair. I have failed with the selfless card multiple times the past couple of weeks in our relationship. I was upset when Kyle told me he got a job in Staunton this summer. Seriously, Jamie? We have been praying, and praying, and praying for God to provide a job for Kyle this summer and he got one! Thank goodness. He was so excited to tell me and I responded with sadness. I actually cried and it broke Kyle's heart. I mean that seriously sucked. I could have handled that situation 3,000 times better than I did. Fail. Second, Kyle was going to come visit me in Boone this weekend. His car broke down on the way and he was super bummed and I was annoyed that I had to drive to Radford. I mean...really?
Thankfully, Kyle and I both have apologetic hearts. I just tend to be the one that is more vocal about exactly what I feel before I think about the repercussions that it might have on Kyle's feelings. I recognize that I can only have a selflessness attitude in our relationship with the help of Jesus. He paid the ultimate price for me, and I can give a lot in my relationship with Kyle. I have nothing but room to give, that just isn't the choice I always make.
I'm excited for marriage. I really can't wait. I know there will be highs and lows, but I also know that growth comes from trying times. I can vouch for that. A lifetime is a long time, but I seriously can't wait to do life with him.
Thanks for sticking with me. Maybe you think I'm naive. I think I have one of the best partners to do life with and he is totally my person. Marriage is such a blessing. I don't know why Hollywood has decided to portray marriage in this light, but it must be a result of what we are doing as a whole.
It's gotta change.
We're not perfect, obviously. I think sometimes my readers think that I'm too hard on myself. I provide my own personal experiences in hopes that you can relate. Life is tough, but you learn and trust that God has prepared you for the very season you are in right this second. Many of my readers are infinitely more seasoned than me to the trials of life. So much respect for all of you.
Thanks for reading, friends. You guys rock.
Dearest Jamie,
ReplyDeleteHow fitting for me to be reading your Marriage blog on mine and Dale's 37th Wedding Anniversary! I'm so excited about you and Kyle getting married next May. With God's help and you do fully trust him, your marriage is going to a testimony to others. Praying for you and Kyle. Hope to see you soon! Thinking of you! Blessings! Aunt Stephanye :)
Aunt Stephanye, Wow! 37 years! My mom and dad just celebrated their 28th. How cool! Thank you for reading! I miss and love you!
ReplyDeleteSome similar sentiments and worth checking out.
Bryan, I have seen that! It was going around Facebook there for awhile. Thanks for reading! Hope you're doing well!
DeleteThanks for sharing Jamie! I loved it! And I completely agree with your stance on marriage, even though I'm not close to that stage of life yet ;p Keep writing and being vulnerable, it's making a difference! :)