Since I arrived in Radford on Thursday evening, I have been looking forward to this morning. I love Kyle's church so much. The pastor is so transparent and real, the worship is solid and heartfelt, and I truly look forward to Sundays at Vally Bible. We walked downtown around 10:45 to get to church by 11:00 and it dawned on me that the summer hours may be different. Sure enough, we arrived at church to see that it had started at 10:00 and we had missed it. About 2 hours ago, I was crushed. I felt like the Griswold family when they arrive at Walley World only to find it closed. I considered buying a pellet gun and threatening Bret to do it again...but I mean, come on. That would be crazy.
I walked home feeling dejected and mad. I was mad I didn't double check on the time the night before. I was being super melodramatic, but guys, this church is seriously awesome.
Since then, my heart has changed to a heart of thankfulness. Kyle pulled out his computer when we got home and found that this morning's sermon had already been posted. He plugged his computer into the speakers and we opened our bibles and did church in true at-home-fashion.
Bret spoke all about captivation and how we tend to not really see what is directly in front of us and all around us. We become captivated by the immediate daily tasks around us and fixated by the little things that boost us and keep us going through the week. Parents, this may be bedtime for the kids. Students, this may be finally taking the exam you have been cramming for all week. Working professionals (shout out to most of my friends), this may be finally having a day off and going out for drinks with some friends.
We are fixated on these moments and tend to ignore the beauty in the immediate.
David wrote Psalm 29 just to detail the power of God in 11 verses. Just because. How cool is that? Do I notice God's glory all around me on a daily basis? No. He steers the storms and wields the winds and most of the time I'm oblivious. I'm like, "Can this day just be over, puhleeeease." I often lose sight of what is unfolding before me and I tend to take for granted what I have. Why have I been given so much?
I am so thankful. Particularly, I am thankful for:
- A God who is personal. He pursued me, little me, and He sent His son to save me. He dwells with me, regardless of if I actually see what He is doing and He blesses me with peace. Thank you.
- Kyle. He challenges me and engages me to pursue what is on my heart. I am thankful he initiated listening to this morning's sermon at home while I was feeling so down.
- Kyle, again. We do so many fun things and really take advantage of the time we have together. He plays tennis with me, even when I beat him every time (he is a tough competitor, trust me. He actually dives on the court and risks his health just to get the ball back). I am thankful for that. What a man.
- A mother who is pretty much planning my entire wedding and a father (and mother) who is paying for it. Thank. Goodness. They are seriously the bomb and I have nothing but love and gratefulness for these two people.
- MY THESIS PROPOSAL IS COMPLETE. #PTL. If anyone is interested in water immersion skin wrinkling testing and how it may correlate with tilt-table testing and autonomic function, hit me up. I'm here to talk.
Work hard to find magnificence in the mundane. Life is forever changing, but we are surrounded by beauty.
Happy Sunday, friends.
Your comments sure resonate with me. We have been traveling since May 7 and have been so immersed in the glory and majesty of God's creation, especially in the high Canadian Rockies, that over and over we express our thanks to God for His love for us, insignificant creatures that we are, that He loved us so much that we can see this world through the heart and mind of our Creator! And yes, that He loved us so much that He pursued us until we stopped, repented of our insistence on running our own lives, and accepted His offer of salvation thru Christ!!! Living in the moment in gratitude for mercy, grace and our relationship with Him is so terrific. Makes the mundane so much better.